Emjay Rinaudo is in her element in this all-new gallery and video from the photographer Kevin Sikorski. On location in Miami, Florida, Emjay takes in the sunshine in a bright red swimsuit. My special talent? My ability to turn any bad situation into a good [one], shares Emjay, who prides herself on being positive and keeping things light. I always have a smile, or I'm giggling, she says. It's probably not a good thing, but I'm the least serious person in my friend group! You can find Emjay creating content, racing cars, or posing on any given day. Hobbies? I am currently building a drag car. It's a 2014 Nissan GTR and one of my biggest joys, she smiles. Another is shooting. It's so freeing to express yourself artistically with your body! While getting to know her, Emjay also shared her best sex advice with us: Don't skip the good parts, she urges, like the touching, kissing, and getting comfortable with each other! Check out Emjay Rinaudo's first pictorial, too, right here on Playboy Plus! exclusive photos and videos from PlayboyPlus